Writing and M.E.

Thank you for visiting my site. Here, you’ll find a selection of my writing and get a glimpse into what it is like living with the chronic illness, M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)

WRITING: There are a number of themes which run through my work, the most significant to me being the theme of connection. Connection with others, with myself, with the natural world and with the force that guides us all – be that the universe, a higher self or something yet unknown. With that comes the theme of disconnection, the changes in relationships between ourselves and our world, sometimes to to detriment of our mental and physical well-being. I post most of my writing on my blog can be found in the section Latest Work.

MINI-ROLL: At the end of September 2022 I started a new project called Mini-Roll: Life with M.E, Politics and Social Angst. This is a “mini-blog” series of regular updates focussed on a the every day of experience of living with M.E., through a more satirical lens, featuring commentary on the socio-political climate in the UK. The idea is to raise awareness of M.E. and the real impact that it has on the quality of life and ability to participate in society, as well expressing my view as to the real and potential impact political and economic decisions have on people with M.E. and society as a whole.

M.E: I have lived with M.E. in some form for all of my adult life having contracted glandular fever at 18 years old. The origin and pathology of the condition is still disputed but for me my reality is beyond dispute. It is a condition that effects my ability to function in terms of mobility and cognition, and the impairment of that ability varies from lying in bed unable to move to being able to be out in the world interacting with others. At the time of writing this (November 2021) my functional ability is very impaired and I am mostly housebound. I have a number of other symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, muscle weakness, gastrointestinal disturbances, orthostatic intolerance, light and sound sensitivity, and my own version of hell, sleep disturbances, which frequently means bouts of insomnia. All of these symptoms are exacerbating following exertion which can range from attempting to process information (yes, I mean thinking) to taking exercise. It is a disease that lives in my cells and one that science is yet to find a cure. There is much more to the story, both my own and the stories of others much more severely affected, which you can find in my blog posts, a good overview of my experiences here, and the section called Living with M.E.

If you enjoy my work or have any suggestions regarding resources and support for people with M.E. please leave a comment below.

With love, Kirstie.


2 thoughts on “Writing and M.E.”

  1. Re: Lilith returns to Eve

    What a powerful piece, Kirstie. I felt an energy rise up in me as I read your words. It’s healing to read about the reunion of the sisters and incredible to link Lilith to #metoo. What an amazing time to be alive- to witness this transition we are part of. Every woman is in some way part of, and experiencing that internal reunion. Thank you for this poem – I feel stronger for reading it. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much honey. It felt like such a strong energy as it was coming through. Thank you so much for reading and all of your encouragement. It makes all the difference 😘💖💖🙏


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